Give penalty points to the related company and engineer when trivial illegal construction practice or services happened except serious error that can cause prohibition of business pursuant to construction related law, and is to prevent serious accidents led by small mistakes.
Giving disadvantages such as deducting points in P.Q or restricting from bidding according to penalty points that can arouse awareness of unfaithful activities and prevent unfaithful construction fundamentally.
(1) Introduction
Build penalty information managing system to take care of scattered management of penalty points
Total and systematical management of penalty points to promote transparency and efficiency
'06 : Build
'07 ~ : Operating
Main functions
Manage penalty points of construction, supervision, design service companies and managers
Provide inputting information, searching, print functions online
Main users
Information input : Ordering-person and authorizing government office
Information search : Ordering-person and construction, supervision, design service companies
(2) Composition (3) Laws
CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT ACT ARTICLE 21-4 (Determination of Fraudulent Construction Work, etc.)
Knowledge Information System of Construction Industry, Korea Construction Infonet, 7F, 307, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea COPYRIGHT(C) KISCON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.